BODY TRANSFORMATION | running every day weight loss

running every day day 1034! no days off!

what’s up my beautiful people! I get asked a lot how my body has changed since starting my journey of running every day. I wish I documented my body better back then before the start but I was able to find some old photos and clips to give you guys some what of an idea as to what I looked like then and now. I lost about 15lb from the start of my running journey. The 15lb came off in the first month or so because my body was totally not used to it. Once it got used to the mileage I was doing it’s been consistent at around 160-163lb over these last two+ years. I love the way my body looks, feels, and functions and I’m so happy with each and every step of my body transformation process. Theres usually no “easy” way to get the results you want.. you just gotta put in that work.. and we can all do it!

#trainhellahgood #weightloss #bodytransformation #runningeveryday

support me on my Transamerica run!

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music: get 30 days free for musicbed! seriously go do it they’re awesome
song: direction


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